1 out of 4 Mobile Applications are Used Only Once

26% of Mobile Applications are Used Only Once

Mobile Application Developers Remain Optimistic

As popular as mobile applications are becoming in society, a recent study conducted by Localytics Inc – a mobile analytics firm revealed that only 1 out of 4 mobile applications downloaded (more specifically 26%) are used more then once by its users. The study covered mobile applications downloaded onto Apple’s iPhone, RIM’s Blackberry, Windows 7 Phone and Google’s Android-run devices. As popular as mobile applications are becoming, mobile application developers are starting to realize that in order to create a successful mobile application, they will have to find a way to gain a competitive edge against all the other competition that surrounds them in the mobile application industry.

Although this low number may initially seem alarming to mobile application developers, many mobile application developers are actually happy and see encouragement that Smartphone users are actually even downloading a specific mobile application onto their Smartphone device. They feel as though one download is much better than zero and at least they are having the opportunity to showcase their mobile application to their users rather than having no chance at all. One mobile application developer recently stated:

“As long as individuals are willing to give my mobile application a chance, I will be satisfied. I would rather have a user download my mobile application, try it out, see if it works for them or not as compared to not having any downloads for my mobile application”

There is massive growth expected in the mobile application industry in the next year as some mobile application experts predict that the mobile application industry will grow by 1,000% by 2014. When taking that into consideration, mobile application developers should consider themselves lucky to have an individual download their mobile application when there are so many other mobile applications for them to choice from.

Some individuals in the high-tech world are starting to compare the mobile application industry similar to the world wide web where there will be so many mobile applications available (similar to websites) that it will only be the top most relevant mobile applications which will prevail in the future while other mobile applications will get put away in the backburner similar to how there are some websites which generate a lot of traffic compared to those that do not.

As the mobile application industry continues to pick up steam, there will be more and more mobile application developers who create mobile applications with the hopes of striking it big. At the same time, with so many mobile applications being released onto varies mobile application marketplaces, the mobile application landscape is turning extremely competitive and the chance of a mobile application becoming mainstream will be much more difficult in the future than it was a few years ago. There will always be a small share of mobile application developers who are able to strike it big with a certain mobile application but chances are that the mobile applications developers who got a solid footing in the industry from the beginning as the ones who will have the best chance of becoming a successful mobile application development firm. More details visit at http://www.v-softinc.com/mobile-application-development/