How People Are Using Smartphone & Mobile Apps?

This infograph shows how people are using Smartphone and mobile apps. One Survey shows majority people using Smartphone for Browsing. Many of them are using for search. On the 3rd position it comes the people who use it for downloading mobile apps. The numbers for downloading mobile apps are huge up to 68% of the people and last it comes to the people who uses for watching video. Another Important Survey shows 90% of people are using Smartphones at home. Out of which large section of people use Smartphone for Shopping including in the shopping store, to find retailer, to compare prices, to get coupons and vouchers, for product reviews and smart search.

IPhone, Android and Windows7 phones users love to play downloaded games whereas Blackberry users prefer to play the pre-loaded games. 90% downloaders would like to purchase the game which they downloaded in past 30 days. Games are the most popular in Mobile Apps Downloading Category with 64%. Weather apps, social networking, maps navigation, music, news, entertainment and banking finance mobile applications are downloaded in descending orders. IPhone is found the most popular among gamers to download the games. Android, Window7, Feature phone and Blackberry are the next in decreasing order for games downloading. If you are interested in developing mobile applications for your business or personnel use on any mobile platform, visit –

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