Mobile Application Developers Focus on Other Smartphones and Tablet PC’s
Interest in other Smartphone Mobile Applications Rising Each Year
The competition for mobile dominance and mobile application superiority in the mobile industry has been heating up with each passing day. Mobile application developers are fiercely competing to develop top mobile applications while mobile companies aggressively battle to release the most attractive, user-friendly Smartphone devices. For the past few years, Apple’s iPhone was the leading Smartphone device on the market as millions of individuals hopped on the iPhone bandwagon and started an iPhone movement/obsession never seen in the mobile industry before; but as we progress into the future Apple is starting to see competition from other top players such as Google and Microsoft with their new Droid and Windows Mobile 7 Smartphone devices.
A study conducted between January 10, 2011 and January 12, 2011 by a major mobile application marketing firm surveyed 2,235 mobile application developers on what Smartphone device they would prefer to develop mobile applications and the results were quite surprising compared to previous years. In the past, Apple’s iPhone had complete dominance in the mobile application industry with no major competitors to worry about but recently other Smartphone devices such as Google’s Androidand Windows Mobile 7 are starting to give Apple a run for their money. In fact, the results from the study revealed that 87% of mobile application developers are interested in developing a mobile application for the Google Android compared to 92% interest in developing a mobile application for Apple’s iPhone. Windows Mobile 7 also had a 36% interest for mobile application development compared to just 30% last year. These figures are quite a change from a few years ago when Apple had full dominance in the mobile application industry.
The survey showed a growing interest in Google’s Android and Windows Mobile 7 for mobile application developers as they see a lot of potential on those devices compared to a few years ago. Mobile Application developers particularly are attracted by the simple operating system on the Android and also the user-interface of the Windows Mobile 7 device. At the same time, mobile application developers are also starting to become more attracted to tablet PC’s such as Apple’s iPad, Google’s Android Tablet and Blackberry’s Playbook Tablet for mobile apps development. These mobile application developers believe there is a lot of growth still to be reached in the mobile application industry and they are starting to realize that they should branch out to other Smartphone/Tablet devices rather than solely focusing on the well-known iPhone/iPad devices.
While there is growing interest in Smartphone and Tablet Mobile Application development, the survey also revealed that there is less interest generated towards new-age TV platforms that come equipped with Google TV or Apple TV. In fact, the numbers disclosed that interest for Google TV application development dropped from 44% to 33% and Apple TV dropped from 40% to 30%. This gives further evidence that wireless technology, mobility and connectivity is the direction our future is heading, and the developers that hop on the mobile application bandwagon are the ones who will succeed in this rapidly growing industry.