A recent study conducted by various mobile application developers and mobile application “experts” have found that the Smartphone platform which a majority of mobile application developers and mobile app development firms enjoy working with is Apple’s iOS platform by iPhone application development compared to other platforms such as Android’s Droid platform or the Blackberry platform. This is no major surprise to a lot of mobile application developers and mobile application “experts” but it just confirms the popularity, demand and easy of use for developing mobile applications on the iOS platform compared to other platforms.
The research found that mobile applications developers are 89% more interested in working with the iOS platform and 88% were interested in the iPad while Google’s Android platform for android application development was not far behind. One of the main reasons why mobile application developers and mobile application firms seem to support and favor the iOS platform compared to other platforms is due to the easy of use and strict policy which mobile app developers need to follow when developing a mobile application for any iOS platform compared to their competitors – Google. One mobile application developer previously felt that “The Android platform would be much more popular to work with and develop mobile applications for because it is an open source platform and there are no specific guidelines that mobile application developers need to follow but that has actually made the mobile app development process more complicated compared to following a strict guideline and developing the mobile application accordingly to the rules and policies set-forth by Apple”
As we progress into the future, many mobile application developer believe that Apple’s iOS platform and framework for developing mobile apps will increase in popularity but at the same time, Google’s Android platform will not be far behind; unfortunately for Blackberry, their future does not look as optimistic as many mobile application developers and mobile application development firms seem to be turned off working with the Blackberry platform.
Regardless of which platform a mobile application developer or mobile application development firm decides to develop a mobile application for, one thing which is clear is that the demand and popularity for mobile applications are continuing to grow and the need for them are at a all-time high. Yes, it is true that some Smartphone platforms are easier to develop mobile applications for and some are more complex but that has not impacted the demand and increased number of mobile applications that have been entering the marketplace at the rate they have been. The future is bright for the mobile application and Smartphone industry and mobile application developers should certainly feel very privileged to have the opportunity to develop mobile applications.