Mobile Application Usage Beating Mobile Web Centric Sites

Mobile Application Usage Beating Mobile Web-Centric Sites

Study Reveals the Popularity of Mobile Applications Rising

A recent study conducted by GSMA and Zokem revealed that mobile applications are more popular and widely used on Smartphone devices than web-centric or voice services. Although these statistics are not surprising (given the demand, popularity and rise of mobile applications in the past year), what is surprising is that mobile applications are starting to be used more than mobile messaging applications such as emailing and messaging. This is a clear indication and further evidence on the growth and direction that the mobile application industry is going in.

Web-Centric Mobile Websites used to be the most popular avenue of getting on the internet, gathering information and being connected to the world-wide-web but due to limitations on HTML 5, Flash and other technologies; these web-centric sites were unable to evolve and grow to a point where users would still be engaged on using web-centric websites when they could use the more appealing, user-friendly mobile applications. Some mobile application developers and “experts” felt that web-centric mobile websites had many limitations and was not able to keep up with the technological advancements of mobile applications and ideas which mobile application developers were able to create.

When analyzing the results conducted from GSMA and Zokem, the study reveals that on average, Smartphone users spend:

•    671 Minutes Messaging (Text Messages and Picture Messages)
•    667 Minutes on Mobile Applications
•    531 Minutes on Voice Messages
•    422 Minutes on Web-Centric Sites

That is a 37% difference between Mobile Applications and Web-Centric websites that Smartphone users frequently utilize and that number is expected to increase more in the following year. In fact, some mobile application developers feel that it is an end of an era for web-centric mobile websites as everything now will be available on mobile applications.

Mobile applications are expected to dominate the mobile industry in the following years and the studies shown clearly validate the fact that mobile applications will be the primary avenue which a majority of Smartphone users will use when they want to use their Mobile device for something rather then conducting phone calls. With so many mobile applications being released into various mobile application marketplaces (Apple’s iTunes Mobile Application Marketplace, Google’s Droid Marketplace, RIM’s Blackberry App World Marketplace, to name a few), mobile application developers have a lot to be optimistic about and clearly have a bright future ahead. More details visit at