Nearly 8 Billion Mobile Applications Downloaded in 2010

Nearly 8 Billion Mobile Applications Downloaded in 2010

Mobile Application Developers are Expanding Their Firms In Order to Support the Demand for Mobile Apps

A recent student conducted by ABI Research revealed that the total number of mobile applications that were downloaded onto Smartphone devices (such as the iPhone, Windows Mobile 7, Android, Blackberry and many more) reached nearly 7.9 billion downloads in one year. Of the 7.9 mobile application downloads, Apple’s iTunes Mobile App Marketplace was the mobile application industry leader with 5.6 billion downloads despite the rising competition from other Smartphone providers such as Android and their Android Mobile Application Marketplace and RIM’s Blackberry App World Mobile Marketplace. Many mobile application developers and mobile app “experts” are expecting to face stiff competition in the upcoming years and these mobile application developers are preparing themselves by upgrading their service capabilities and resources on all fronts.

With all the demand and competition that is expected from mobile application developers, fortunately there is still plenty of room for growth and opportunity in the mobile application industry. One of the key reasons why mobile application developers and mobile app “experts” feel that there is still opportunity for other companies/developers to succeed is primarily linked to the fact that Apple’s iTunes Mobile Application Marketplace only targets iOS users which leaves plenty of room for other Smartphone platform mobile application stores to step up and focus on “non-Apple” clientele. In fact, Google’s Android is expected to take the mobile industry by storm in 2011 as it has already exceeded its Smartphone shipments past Apple’s iPhone shipments. Although many mobile application developers feel that there is still a long way to go, they believe that accumulated downloads from both the Android Mobile Application Marketplace and other third-party platforms will eventually overtake Apple’s mobile application marketplace in total number of downloads.

Established Mobile Application Development companies as well as start-up mobile app development companies both are ramping up their resources to support the demand and influx of mobile application requests that they have been receiving on a daily basis. In fact, V-Soft, Inc; a highly recognized mobile application development company located in San Jose, California recently stated that they have plans to amp up their mobile application development team to support the high demand of mobile app requests which are coming in on a daily basis. V-Soft CEO, Ashwin Vora recently stated:

“It is incredible at the amount of mobile application requests we are getting everyday from small, mid and large sized companies! Many clients are feeling confident and secure doing their mobile application development with us and for that reason; we needed to expand our mobile application development team to ensure all of our clients were getting the support and attention to detail which we have always prided ourselves on”

The future for mobile application development continues to remain strong and with more and more Smartphone users being activated everyday, the popularity and demand for mobile applications is expected to grow to numbers never imaged before. The world is moving towards mobility, wireless communication and having everything at a person’s figure-tips; and it is the mobile application development firms who jump aboard the mobile application development bandwagon now as the ones who have the greatest chance of succeeding compared to other mobile app developers/firms who wait until the industry is already saturated with mobile application developers.