With the passage of time development in every field is made by human in this world. similarly in case of mobile phones, when mobile phone was invented it was used only for phone calls and text messages. but with passage of time allot of developments are made. and now mobile phone is also great source of entertainment and infotainment as well.
Every mobile phone has its own operating system just like the operating system of our computer and laptops in which have DOS and Window etc. but in case of mobile phones operating system are Symbian, Android and Window. Android is latest and very popular operating system for smartphones. as other operating systems like Symbian have limited number of application while Android operating system has lots of applications. now a days every brand of mobile phone is trying to make new models with Android operating system as there is good scope of android application development. and even Android is also developing its new versions for their customers. now a days everybody prefer Android smartphones as they have superb functions in it and outclass applications.
As the demand of Android applications increasing so the software houses or the mobile application development firms are continually making new application for the application of their customers. so these application development firms are doing great business for making new Android applications, iphone application development and also these firms has warm competition to make new kind of application first. for this purpose software engineers are hire to make application. when a specific application is created and launched in market then modification in it is done with time and after some period of time customer gets new version of that application. now a days smartphone automatically update these applications, if internet is available.
In present iPhone and Android has great scope. and their scope is at boom now. people are using allot of applications daily. Android devices have become need of every person even he is student or businessman or anyone. for example now a days Android have GPS applications which is very useful while driving. similarly dictionary applications are very useful for students, fun and super games for catches interest of kids. and also social networking application attracts youth toward them. and day by day development in these applications never make customers to get bore. so now a days everyone is taking benefit from Android smartphones. and in future everyone will be addicted of this and it will become need of everyone.
so it is concluded that Android is the best, convenient and most popular operating system of mobile phones. these phones are now called smartphones as they have lots of functionality in these. and Android smartphones are becoming need of every one because they have application related to each department of life. cooking recipe applications are available for cooks, Android dictionaries available for students and GPS for driver and allot of fun and games for kids so in simple words Android smartphones are now need of everyone and it is the best operating system for phones now a days. For more details about mobile app developments on various platforms visit – http://www.v-softinc.com/mobile-application-development/