U.S. Universities Offering Mobile Application Development Courses

U.S. Universities Offering Mobile Application Development Courses

With so much attention, demand and growth being brought to the Mobile Application Industry, many universities such as San Diego State University are now offering Mobile Application Development classes which will allow students to now receive an advanced certificate in web and mobile app development. This is no surprise that universities and various other educational institutions are now starting to also hop aboard the mobile application bandwagon and find ways to benefit from this growing industry.

A recent study conducted by the San Diego Tribune revealed that mobile application developers and web developers were two of the hottest jobs in the professional work world right now and that is one of the main factors which influenced San Diego State University to start up their own Mobile Application development and Web Development programs. One mobile application developer who works in Northern California recently stated: “San Diego State and other universities that decide to offer mobile application development classes on campus will draw a lot of attention and demand from students/individuals seeking to enter a growing industry with a lot of potential. Right now a lot of mobile application development like iPhone application development, Android application development and for other platforms are done overseas in countries such as India and China but if we can start having mobile application developers from the United States, it will improve the U.S. economy and also keep mobile app development in-house rather than outsourcing it overseas”

The programs offered by San Diego State University will be offered during the Fall and Spring Semesters and all students will be required to complete a minimum of four courses (12 units) from the course listing to be eligible to mobile application development certification. Currently there are only a few universities that offer such a program but many mobile app developers and mobile application “experts” believe that the trend of adding mobile application development classes to their campus course listing will certainly increase within the next few years for the simple fact that there is so much demand and attention to this growing industry.

The future is certainly bright for the mobile application industry and the fact that many universities are now also offering mobile app development courses only puts more momentum to this growing industry. Individuals who decided to take up a career as mobile application developers and work for a mobile app development firm will certainly be heading in the right direction with the demand and attention that mobile applications and Smartphone devices are receiving in our current day and age.