Apple Plans on Rolling Out 24×7 Customer Care Support

In efforts to regain market share and continue their dominance in the Smartphone and Mobile Application Industry, Apple has recently announced that it will be revamping their Apple Care Support for all Apple customers to now feature 24×7 access to chat support services. This announcement and move by Apple is a step in the right direction as they hope to make their current customer base and potential customers the assurance and confidence that Apple is there to serve them anytime they are in need of tech support or any other questions they may have with regards to Apple Products.

This newly introduced Apple Care Support is expected to start rolling out on August 12th although this date has yet to confirmed. Throughout the past year, Apple has been facing stiff competition and an increasing rivalry with Google and Google’s Android Operating System but moves like this from Apple will certainly make their customers more comfortable knowing they can turn to Apple 24×7 when they need support. In addition to the added 24×7 support, some insiders within the mobile application development industry feel that now that Apple has support around the clock, Apple users may start contacting Apple for issues regarding mobile application crashes or mobile applications not working at intended as opposed to issues dealing with Apple hardware and software. It is not believed that Apple will support mobile application support but many mobile application developers, mobile app experts and mobile application development firms feel they will certainly get inquires for mobile applications from Apple’s mobile application marketplace which are not running as intending. Hopefully for these mobile application development firms and mobile application developers, Apple’s customer support care redirects the customers to the mobile application developer or mobile application development firm so the customer can get the support that they need for their mobile application.

One Smartphone and mobile application developer that we recently spoke to regarding Apple’s plan to roll out a 24×7 Apple Care Support stated the following:

“I think it is a great idea by Apple to give their customers 24×7 support and think it will be very beneficial for them not only now but also in the long-run. Apple has been increasing their sales throughout the world in the past few years and now that their products are easily accessible globally, it is key that anyone from around the world can call Apple anytime and reach the customer care support. As a mobile application developer, this also makes me feel good knowing that Apple is taking the extra step to ensure their customers are happy with their products which in turn will lead to more individuals purchasing Apple products which hopefully results in more mobile application downloads from Apple’s mobile application marketplace. Google and their Android operating system has been rising at a rate which many experts did not expect but now that it is neck and neck with Apple for dominance in the Smartphone and mobile applicationindustry, Apple needs to do everything they can to keep their current and potential customers satisfied.” To Know more about Apple Plans on Rolling Out 24×7 Customer Care Support, visit –

As the Smartphone and mobile application industry continue to grow and evolve, competition and rivalry between major corporations are expected to continue and it is clear to see that the corporations who give their customers the most attention and care are the ones who individuals will lean towards as opposed to the others. Apple has taken a giant step in their introduction of their 24×7 Apple Care Support and many feel it will only be a matter of time before other companies such as Google, Windows and RIM also introduce 24×7 support for their products. While it is impossible to accurately predict the future, it seems that Apple and Google are going to fight each other for Smartphone and mobile application dominance and each will try one-upping each other thru different strategies such as the one rolling out by Apple with the introduction of 24×7 Apple Care Support.


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