Mozilla to Introduce a New Mobile Application Marketplace later this Year

Mozilla to Introduce a New Mobile Application Marketplace later this Year

With so much demand and attention being brought to Mobile Applications and the Mobile App Industry, another well-known company – Mozilla has recently announced that they plan on introducing their own Mobile Application Store (Mobile App Marketplace) to sell mobile apps to users. The plan is to allow a variety of open-source projects and mobile app developers to register their mobile app name in advance of the opening of the Mozilla Marketplace later this year.

The Mozilla Mobile Application Marketplace is hoping to be a device and operating system-agnostic online store for mobile apps development created with open-web technologies such as HTML4, JavaScript and CSS. Mozzila and many other mobile app developers believe that the open-web marketplace will invite many more mobile app developers to attempt to develop their own mobile application with minimum restrictions on what type of coding they can incorporate within their marketplace and what they cannot.

Mozilla also plans on focusing a lot of their attention on Web Apps. Web apps are also known as Web-Centric Mobile Applications and can be installed on a Smartphone or Desktop device. The rise of Mozilla into the Mobile Application World is something which many mobile app developers and mobile application “Experts” will take notice of in the upcoming months. Not only will this drive competition up within various mobile application marketplaces such as Apple’s iTunes Mobile App Marketplace and Google’s Android Mobile App Marketplace but it will also give mobile app developers more avenues to release their mobile apps and make a profit from.

It is unclear how successful the Mozilla Mobile Application development marketplace will be but if history is any indication, we can surely expect this most recent mobile app marketplace to draw a lot of attention once introduced later this year. The mobile application industry is certainly heading in the right direction and the influence of major companies such as Apple for iPhone application development, Google for android application development, now Mozilla will continue to drive the mobile app industry forward for many years to come.