According to a research conducted by mobile experts in US, iPhone and Android markets in the states of North America and Canada are among the leading mobile markets in the world. Out of the total percentage of smart phone users in the world, nearly thirty percent is the US population which consists of mainly the students, professionals and business men. Today mobile application development is quite a good market in United States of America and is therefore looked up by several mobile apps developers across the world for increased profits. V-Soft with its turnkey solutions for mobile development is readily serving the requirements of its international client base across United States. The mobile application development service provider has successfully executed 100+ international projects in past few years and is still putting efforts to keep on the track and serve the global clientele with its services. V-Soft Inc. is having the core expertise in all major mobile platforms and therefore offers services related to iPhone, Android, Palm, Windows, JavaME and Blackberry mobile application development to its clients across North America and Canada, those who are looking for affordable services for customized mobile application development for business needs.
V-Soft has got expertise across various areas of mobile development including embedded system development, software development, hardware development and IT services and therefore extends its services to help out its US clientele with their needs related to software, hardware, IT, enterprise application management and integration. Today iPhone 5 is the latest craze in the international mobile market including the US market too. Recognizing this need of the hour, V-Soft leverages its expertise to provide services for iPhone 5 application development including custom iPhone 5 mobile application development, mobile gaming development, mobile application porting and testing. Client satisfaction is the motto of V-Soft which it successfully satisfies with the help of the strong industrial knowledge, attractive portfolio of product engineering services and a well-built team of skilled professionals it has.
About V-Soft Inc.
V-Soft is a product and mobile development services provider offering services for mobile application development across wide range of platforms including Android, iPhone, BlackBerry, Windows Mobile, Windows, Palm and Symbian mobile app development.
For more information about V-Soft, Inc. log on to or please contact us at:
V-Soft, Inc.
888 Saratoga Avenue, Suite 203
San Jose, CA 95129, USA
Phone: +1-408-342-1700
Fax: +1-408-342-1705