One week after its release to the music industry, Play Anywhere™ (Best Buy/Car Phone Warehouse calls it Music Anywhere) is instantly taking center stage as the hottest service available in the market today; some claim it is the newest revolution in digital music delivery. Record labels and music producers from around the world are raving about it. This delivery solution was conceived by Catch Media and developed by V-Soft Inc using Catch Media’s proprietary Play Anywhere™ technology. With the ability to access one’s music collections from anywhere in the world via their mobile devices or computers, Play Anywhere™ gives its users the opportunity to fully experience the music they already own as well as what is stored in the cloud. Best Buy claims this service makes 6 million tracks available to its customers!
Record labels and Music Producers have been waiting long for a service like this. Main benefit to them is the ability of a large volume of their customers simultaneously accessing music in a secure environment; this gives the record labels and artists a ready exposure. Sony Music Global Digital Business President Thomas Hesse recently stated:
“[Play Anywhere] gives its customers the ability to access their favorite personal content from Sony Entertainment artists across a variety of mobile devices and PCs. With the legitimate locker service model, music fans have a compelling and convenient new premium option for enjoying their personal music libraries regardless if they are at home, at the office, or on the go.
It is clear that the music industry is in favor of Play Anywhere™ but this leads us to a question:
Just because Record Labels, Music Producers, and Artists are supporting Play Anywhere™, does the average consumer like you support it? Is Play Anywhere™ something which you would install on your mobile device or PC and use as your new music library? What benefits do you experience from Play Anywhere™?
Durga Sharma
Marketing Communications Manager
+1 (408) 342-1700