Mobile Gaming Key Component to the Future of Mobile Applications
The mobile application industry is growing very competitive and many mobile application developers and mobile app “experts” are starting to realize one of the key ways to stay competitive and a step ahead in the mobile application industry is to have emphasis and focus on the mobile gaming segment of the mobile application industry.
During the most recent Mobile World Congress Conversation being held in Barcelona, Spain, one common theme which was prevalent in a majority of mobile application booths and within discussions with mobile app developers and mobile application “experts” was the topic of mobile gaming and the influence it is having on Smartphone’s, Tablet PC’s and the Mobile Application Industry.
Mobile gaming has become so important in the development and popularity of Smartphones/Tablet PC’s that some mobile application experts and mobile app developers believe that “Gaming is now a ‘need to have’ category, not a ‘nice to have’ category for mobile devices…the days of single-function mobile devices are long gone.” In addition to that statement, another mobile application “expert” said that more than 60% of Smartphone users regularly play games on their mobile devices and that mobile gaming has emerged as a core part of a mobile user’s experience.
With so much emphasis being put on mobile gaming from the general public and individuals who study the mobile application industry, it is only wise for mobile application developers and mobile application development firms to start focusing more of their attention towards mobile gaming and the best avenue for creating high quality mobile games for various platforms through android application development and others, which will attract users. One mobile application developer recently stated: “Mobile Gaming is expected to be a dominate force in the future and any mobile apps development firm that does not focus their attention towards mobile gaming will be in serious risk of falling behind in the mobile and Smartphone industry”.
It is difficult to accurately predict what the future will hold but with new powerful processors, better picture resolutions and the ability to seamlessly stream data between Smartphone and other technological devices, it is fairly accurate to say that mobile gaming will have a profound impact on how we interact and use our Smartphone devices not only now but also in the future.